I finally got accepted into my number 1 college of choice Saginaw Valley State University. Now you may think what and where the heck that school is it is Division 2 school in about mid Michigan. The college is absolutely gorgeous the dorms there are like apartments with full kitchens. Also i might be on their varsity track team. I have qualified for the team and the head coach likes me a lot because I was honest with him on all the questions that he asked me. But the only problem I have with doing track is that he was honest back that track is full time job that most of his team members are with him 40+ hours. So it seems like that school would be placed second which is not I want to do.
I'm nervous about the track team mainly because I wouldn't be the number 1 hurdler like I have been at my High School for 3 years. Also I think I would put that before school and I did that in high school which really affected my grades in a poor way, which i can not have again. But some good things that might come out of the team is that I will meet new people and get friends easier and i have competed against 2 of the hurdlers there so I know them and didn't have any problems with them. Also they require a 6 hour mandatory study hall which would make me do my work so i think i will be able to get most of my work done during that and i could get some help when I'm in there, which would help me out a lot.
O.k back to the school what I going there for is Pre-Agriculture MSU bound. That means i will only be there for 2 years and then i would be transferring to Michigan State University. Now i chose this way instead of going to straight to MSU is because #1 i didn't have the grades to get into Michigan state #2 MSU is a huge school and i think that i need to get adjusted by going to a school with 10000 and transferring to a school with 30000+. Now in my study I hope to major in Bio-systems Engineering. Which what you do with that degree is you solve complex, rapidly-changing problems related to food quality and safety, ecosystems protection, homeland security and health protection, biomass utilization, and renewable energy development.
Thank you for reading about my college choice and what i plan to do when their. If you have any suggestions on what helped you out when you went to college feel free to comment.