well i remembered how all silent hill games (except the room) have a UFO ending so i checked shattered memories one and i consider it the best one EVEN BETTER THEN THE DOG ENDING! if you don't wantit spoiled don't click on the link and don't scroll down to see the explanation and script http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om2SQCWQhAU
(this was hard because i couldn't find anywhere where i could copy and paste the script so i had to listen to the outube video and type in everything it says i worked hard on typing it so here it is)red=phychirchirst blue=cheryl green=dog burgundy=james orange=alien
"This...this is it?"
"After all we've said, all we've discussed... you honestely believe... That your father was abducted by aliens?"
"It made more sense when you were talking about Cults and Demons!"
"This whole town... it's really a giant spaceship."
*james opens door*
"*sigh* James?"
"*sigh* wrong day agian?"
"see you tommorow James."
*james closes door*
"one of my couples therapy patients."
".... haven't seen his wife in awhile."
"where were we?"
*cheryl turns into dog and phychirist turns into alien*
"My mother was a @#$%&! (female dog)"
"Go on i'm listening"
*in background triforce on shelf idk why though*
*screen fades*