When all is quite and all is calm on the eve of christmas, who is playing an RTS in their bedroom. Me. after much thought, i made my christmas list. im quite proud of it too.
-Sins of a solar empire
-Pre-order of "Demi-god"
-new graphics card
-A new psp mother board (the origenal one died on me about a month ago.)
*Sigh* most of these things are really repairs to my gaming life, if i wasnt gettign into my comoputer then i probably wwouldnt have asked for all of this and would havea asked for a PS3 for the holidays. and only armed with 20 dollar, i cant jsut go out na buy one. My hacked psp was great fun when i had it so im sure when its gone through its repairs then il have more time to go get more money. I will say this though about my PS3 situation; i plan to get one by the end of june so summers can be great. IF my Wii is soldby my birth day then it will be there tat i get it.
My great rant is over but now on to your christmas list. what is it ? think you will get all of your items? are any of the items mine? If so what is your friend/ online code adress thing?
I just realized i had not posted a blog since August so why not make one now. (besides what else is less important then christmas). And yes those who are my nintendo gamers, i said i was selling my Wii, but to a good person. MY friend wants one and needs it;so I sell him that great gift, for $350. Il either blow all that on a PS3 or a computer. but probaby a PS3. I Will also be selling my DS, il selling all my games and all my other useless parts( 2 carring cases and 1 DS game protector) I Shall get $150 off of that. that aside i think my holidays will go smooth. I only have 10 more days of school left ( 1 of which is that bull Sh!t play the grade 5's do) the other day is fare well day where they do secret santa and that kind stuff.
Im spending christmas with my second cousins( which arem ore like cousins seeing how close we are with them) were going to give them either fallout 3 or fable (seeing how their favourite game is the oblivion series) They arealways more fun to talk with than to play games with but i hardly ever play on a 360 so wth might as well play.
Hope your holidays go well.