i thought it would be cool if i gave a review once a week about that weeks smallville. so i guess i will start off with crusade. i will try to keep it short, let me know what you think or just your thoughts of the episode.
the good:
okay, i think this episode was really cool. the rating for the season premiere were good. it got beat by a doctor phil special, lost, and hawaii but that is okay. my favorite part was when kal-el ( kryptonian clark ) took off into the sky flying. when i first found out that the writers were going in this direction, i was hoping in the back of my mind that they did not make it look corny. but the special effects crew did a great job. lois lane's character played by erica durance was awesome. erica has played a lot of roles on several science fiction shows and i think she makes a great lois lane. i think that the scences and interactions involving lex and lionel luthor, martha and jonathan kent, lana lang and jason t. and lois lane and clark kent were well done and placed throught out the scene. the story was good and it a great foundation for future episodes like for example what happens to lana.
the bad:
i personally really liked the episode but a lot of people like the reviews i give them for movies and games because i do not put my personal thoughts into my review as much as other people. the only thing that bother me was small but the black kryptonite. there are eleven different kinds of kryptonite and black is not one of them. that is not what bother me though, i just thought i would throw that out there. there was no explanation for it or its manufactored purpose. i would have included something like it was made to counteract the effects of red kryponite on clark in case he was exposed to it again and it may or may not work on clark in this case. maybe something like it was made from red kryptonite and a little bit of green kryptonite to subdue him. a little bit of explanation would have been nice that is all. also how does martha kent pay bills and support the farm if jonathan and clark are not there to tend to the farm? she could have taken up a loan or used the remaining amount of lex's money from exile. oh, and i thought someone from the hospital should have been able to recognize clark seeing how is there every other episode in season two and season three. but these things were probably not included for dramatical differences or maybe they were and were just edited from the final version.
the ruben lb personal review: a plus
the ruben lb critic review: between b plus and a minus