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smallville 04-05: run

man last night's episode of smallville was awesome! i have been waiting for this episode since i first heard about it last year! if you did missed it, find someone who recorded it. fast! get it... fast? okay i will stop now.

( before i start my review i have been getting a lot of emails about this so i thought i would address it real quick. in the last scene of last week's episode "devoted", clark looks like superman, he is not wearing superman costume. for those of you who have no idea what i am talking about, the writers of smallville usally put a few "superman suggestions" in each episode. in the last scene of last week's episode of smallville, as lois is walking away from clark on the football field and the cameras zoom out, clark is wearing a blue t shirt and blue jeans and he has his red gym bag over his shoulder and behind him. from far away, it looks like clark is standing how superman would normally stand and his blue clothes look like an outfit and his red gym bag looks like a red cape flowing behind him. it only gives him the appearnce of superman. he is not wearing a superman costume! )

what happen?

in this week's smallville the flash comes to smallville. his name is bart allen and he is a younger more headstrong version of the flash. he is a small time criminal in metropolis who saves jonathan from a truck yet steals his wallet at the same time. clark follows jonathan's credit card activity to a hotel and finds bart. bart outruns clark in metropolis and later finds him in smallville. clark tries to talk bart out of a life of crime meanwhile lex gets a kryptonian painting that when clark uses his x ray vision reveals a map to some kind of treasure. clark and bart have a falling out and bart steals the kryptonain painting. when bart tries to cash in the painting to a con in suicide slum lex shows up and the con gets the upper hand. clark shows up to save lex and bart and bart still makes off with the painting. bart later returns the painting but lex already know that it is map and is hiding it from clark. bart has a change of heart and seeks out others like himself and clark. also lana tells jason the truth about her tattoo and shows him the tattoo symbol on the cave wall.

the good:

what can i say. this is like the best episode yet or at least just as good as the season premiere. bart was so cool. i thought it was a good idea that the writers made "the flash" younger. after all the flash is younger than superman in the comics. i want to say that the flash is eight years than superman but i am not sure. ( i am talking about the wally west not the previous two flashes ) the concept of the flash going for bad to good was also a great idea. if they introduced bart as a hero like clark, choosing to help people instead of rob from them then the episode might not have been as enjoyable. clark coming off as a older brother and role model for bart was a good theme, similar to ryan in "stray" and "ryan". the fact that bart still chooses to ignore the morals clark is trying to instill in him rather than change immediately makes the episode appear more longer which is good. when bart still takes off with the map and even tries to subdue clark with kryptonite you get the sense the maybe bart will not become good right away and it is something that might take awhile. the special effects were amazing! the special effects crew executed everything perfectly! if you thought that the effects were not good enought or overdone, something is wrong with you. in one scene where bart chooses to run off again leaving clark behind in the barn, bart actually looks like the flash while he is running because it is just this red and yellow blur. and lex is back to his old habits keeping things from clark as well. what do you expect though? everything was great? martha and jonathan kent. great job! the could actually pull off being a real couple in real life, i feel.

the bad:

this is actually hard. i must have watched this episode three times actually looking for things to nit pick on. well... the lana and jason scenes felt out of place but that was mainly because everything else had to do either with clark, bart, and lex. but there entire episode can not be about these three so different people is nice i guess. i can not really think of anything else. can you?

favorite lines?

bart to clark

"it's a big world. see if there is anyone else out there like us. maybe start like a club or a league or something."

my overall:

there are usually two or three episodes per season that steal the show. this might just be one of them. there are quite a few suprises coming this season that may even top it but i have been sworn to secrecy and i do not want to spoil it for anyone. just keep watching. anyway this episode was great. two heroes with one stone? okay that did not make a lot of sense but you know what i mean. if you missed this episode find out if someone recorded it fast. did i already say that? *scrolls up* if every episode of smallville was this good there would be no heaven because we would already be there. okay i might be overdoing it now. great episode! yeah!

the ruben lb personnal review: a plus

the ruben lb critic reveiw: a

next week:

a new dark side emerges from clark and it is not kal-el. and what does lionel luthor have to do with this transference?