rubenlb / Member

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smallville reruns for all!

some of you might have noticed last night's reairing of "covenant" and "crusade". if you did not notice, um... okay. well tis the season. no not for christmas but for reruns. that is right. for those of you that have missed a few episodes this season and season three then you are in luck! :D the wb will be airing smallville reruns for the next few weeks. good news for some not so much good news for others. :(

here is the breakdown:

12-15-2004: devoted: consider the smallville punch officially spiked... with kryptonite!

12-22-2004: facade: plastic surgery hits smallville and so does a scantily clad lois lane! :D

12-29-2004: perry: someone from clark's future makes a stop at smallville at the worst possible time for clark. :shock:

01-05-2005: relic: jor-el in smallville? but that is not all! ( oh by the way, happy new year! )

01-12-2005: run: clark helps a troubled teen with a need for speed!

01-19-2005: obsession: clark gets it on with a freak! :shock: a female kryponite freak that is. ( you much watch this episode for more reasons than one! but that is all i am saying! )

the wb messed up. ( a nicer way of saying something else ) anyway this should have been the winter cliffhanger and i do not know what they are thinking airing it this late. but here is is...

new episode!

01-26-2005: unsafe: someone from clark's past returns to wreck havoc! :o clark and lana will never be the same after this episode! :shock:

of course like... so many... things... that... change, this schedule is also subject to change. if you have any questions comment on this journal entry or send me a priavte message. or else... *charging up heat vision*