rukichu / Member

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And now a useless survey to keep me distracted. :33

[color=#ff40ff]*Girl Confessions* Screenname right now: umm... no I'm not telling you that. I sleep naked: nuu I wear pink: I never wear pink, although I've had people ask if my entire closet is pink. o_o I've dyed my hair: No I like my hair. I've danced around in my underwear: LOL no. I liked the Spice Girls: Yes. Yes, I did. I wear makeup: Never x_x I've snuck out to meet boys: nu. I keep a diary: I keep a blog. D: I love chocolate: Yeah they're good Chick flicks make me cry: NO EWWW. I've drank because of a guy: No. I still need my girl time: what? no. It takes me at least an hour to get ready: Haha no, I just throw on whatever's nearest and run out the door. I still have sleep overs w/ my girls: Ewww no ;_; I love doing my hair: NO. My boyfriend's better than yours: HAHAHA YOU BETCHA. :cry: Trucks are pretty much hot: trucks? wtflol I've given a guy a fake number: no I've been honked at going down the road: No. I've been called a slut: No... I love singing: God no. My boobs are too big: No again. My boobs are too small: I'll go with the original poster of this:: I have the chest of an 8 year old BOY. Football players are hot: uhh.. NO. I've had my heart broken: HAHAHAHA, WHAT, ME?! :D I've slapped a guy for being frisky: no. I've fought a friend over a guy: what?! no... xD well this one girl (who was acting suspiciously jealous o_O) thought I was going out with porcupine but umm that's about it. I want my tongue pierced: Noooo. I want a tattoo: No. I have gotten suspended: yeah I got a two week suspension and trip to the hospital for carrying a hit list WEEEE that was FUNNNN. I have gotten arrested: ...No.[/color]