rukichu / Member

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omg I never ever thought this would happen, ever. I guess I have no one who wants to kill me now... well, there's Jenna911. I made a sarcastic remark at her once, and shortly after she sent me a total emotastic mopefest via the pm system, and finished the whole deal off by triumphantly removing me from her friend list. :roll:

Anywaaaaay. I don't want to forgive bloo but it feels like I have to so maybe we can stop FIGHTING for the first time in six months. Because that would be really swell. :D

On the other hand, he blamed all of his actions on a "bad mood." I've heard that damn line so many times. He'll try to kill me, then a few seconds later give me a kiss and say it was all because he was feeling a little cranky. What bull. I doubt that if I forgive him this time, it won't go anywhere and a few weeks down the road he'll be up at it again, and this time his mood will just have gotten worse. GOD DAMN I am really fed up with that sort of crap. It's YOU who tried to attack me, not your bloody "bad mood." Get yourself under control, grow up, and find someone else to feed your problems to over the summer vacation because I AM NOT INTERESTED.

...and on the third hand I think he just did it for attention. Let's see, he set his profile to private, he "left" (although he's said that so many goddamn times I don't know if it's real this time, hahaha.), and did this. Hell it's even got M4 to scribble a blog down about him, so it must be working. The kid feeds off of attention from others, because if you are not popular enough, you will die.