Guess who had the most Awesomest Lunch Ever.
MEEEEE. Oh yes, that's right.
Anthony wore a white, button up shirt. We were all commenting on how he looked like Jesus, so we spent the whole time pretending that he actually *was* Jesus in an interview. We were asking him all these stupid questions and... stuff. XD (like "Why do we always get his by tornados?" and Anthony replies "...I lost a bet, I'm SORRY. ;_;")
Then Matt, this one guy was all "So Jesus, how did you get all those animals in an ark?"
and I'm like "...that was NOAH o_O"
"No, but Jesus is the one who told him to do it."
"That was God."
"But Jesus was still there in SPIRIT."
:lol: Catholics are so funny, how they always tell me how I'm going to hell ^_^
Now before I start up a flame war, let's talk about something else!
...Carver also got everyone to sing Wraith Pinned to the Mist alllll together now. :D IT KICKED ASS.
...My new nickname is Kevin.
I bet ten imaginary bucks that someone is going to ask why. D:
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