BREEZY = me... duh...
AB = Anime Blob/my gf
Excuse the insane ammount of ehcks-dee'ing but this was too good to pass up.
Breezy says:
...o__O they sound like carbon copies of these two kids at my school who have the urge to go into deep makeout sessions wherever they go. the lunch line, band practice, in the hall, waiting for the bus... it's like.. um.. no.. x(
AB says:
Good God! That sounds even WORSE!! It'd be like, "[deep moan while waiting for lunch]" Eeeew.. I bet they got Mono at least ONCE. XD
Breezy says:
They had to have XDD
AB says:
Yeah. And I bet alittle ONE of their spleens exploded. XDDD (that's my favorite sytomp is an exploding spleen XDDDD)
Sydnee says:
* atleast
Breezy says:
LOL that'd be... beautiful. *kisssnog* *EXPLODE*
AB says:
XDDDD Yes. Yes it would be! LOL
AB says:
"[maaaaaakeout]" ... "[EXPLOOODE]"
Breezy says:
XDD That needs to happen more often..
AB says:
Yes. Especailly to the kids who randomly make-out. XDD LOL!
Breezy says:
YES and the ones that are OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD about it. o__O
AB says:
..That happened.. once. I heard kids loudly making out. o___o
Breezy says:
...what's funny is how I'm looking at naruto slash with gaara/rock lee making out as we complain about this. XDDD
AB says:
AB says:
Well SLASH making out is Okaaay
Breezy says:
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