TOMMOROW AT SIX THIRTY = re-airing of new foster's which I MUST NOT MISS FOR ANYTHING.
Also tommorow Cassie's going up north to the lake for the day so I dunno if I'll be dragged in too. An uncle lives in that general area and he just randomly decided to come down here so yeah. I dunwannagothough. because the lake is kinna boring. It's pretty it's just... boring. XD
Okay yeah my girlfriend's out of town AGAIN so I'm all emo because my emo soulmate is gone. And now that I don't have her to talk with and such, I did something boring yet semi-productive! yeehaw!
I went on another massive gif spree. :D and made a bunch from the foster's episode Eddie Monster. If you wanna see then just go on over to my second photobucket account. (yo)
My favorites--
AND my parent's freaking stoner friends JUST CAME BACK OVER and they won't LEAVE ME ALONE Ajsd;kja;lkj;lksjl;kjsfljeoij why can't they just go AWAY I HATE SOCIALIZING.