god damn is everyone pissing me off right now. o_O
and as we all know, everyone = my parents. :o
They keep acting all high and mighty, like NOTHING is wrong with them. A little while back they just burst into my room while I was asleep and started yelling because I didn't do my laundry right.
And I REALLY mean yelling. Like, top of their lungs yelling. The kind of yelling that you'd hear before someone threw a punch. And they keep saying how I need to go back to the mental hospital OVER SOME GODDAMN LAUNDRY my GOD THESE people annoy me.
Yeah I'm just soooo screwed up in the head because I let a few dirty clothes sit around. Ooooh boo hoo. And my mom said that my room and I smelt so bad that she was going to have to vomit from the repulsive stench.
GEE THANKS, TOTAL SELF CONFIDENCE BOOSTER. What the hell. She's such a goddamn drama queen. If I ever become a hermit I'm blaming her.
blah blah blah. Yes I'm being overly dramatic, you can go to hell now.
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