Leave her alone.
by rukichu on Comments
[color=#ff40ff]My mom's going through another one of her... I don't know what to call it. An anger attack? Well, she just finished destroying the kitchen and saying how much she despises and hates her family and children. It sounds scarry, but you get used to it. But this is... this is what pissed me off. She made Cassie throw away all these pictures and figures she had made because they were "junk." I'm sorry, but what the hell? She put a lot of hard work into those little paper dolls. And apprently, they're junk. She spends more time playing and making them than she does just playing with regular toys. She puts so much effort into them, and they're junk. Now she and Ally are being sent to grandma's house so that they can "destroy and trash their house" and so they can be "their problem now." Damn that pisses me off, she needs to start showing those two more respect, even if they are children. And she also needs to start showing her husband more respect... I'm starting to see WHY he's cheating on her. She treats him like crap too. Tommorow... or at least monday, my mom'll be appoligizing to everyone and telling us all how much she loves us, and that it'll never happen again. I don't know what side of her to believe. :|[/color]