Well guys I have to temporarlly announce something. Their is this really HOT girl who lives down the street from me. If I do not get to marry this girl, I will friggin die. If I do not tell here that I have such a crush on her buy the last day of school, Tommorow, which is Thursday, May 25th, 2006. I am adding in the date to make my post more importantly. I think I will commit suicide B/C I am too friggin shy to do anything, and will blame all my problems on that and that alone. I am not much a fan of that, so I am ordering you to help me. If you do not help me then I will punch you in the friggin stomach, or get one of my friends to come to you're house aned beat you up. Do not mess with me, I can really do this to you, despite the fact that we're online and that text cannot physically harm you.
And IMHO, I'm not a emo/dillusional. I'm the coolest, most awesomest, most popular guy known here on TV.com.
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