Okay, I don't want to hear another thing about 'cyber-bullying.' x_o
It's not REAL. If someone calls you a fat lardass over the web, who cares? All you need to do is click that X in the top right hand of the screen and you'll be good, and that's that. Anyone who gets offended by this bull or considers themselves a "victim" of cyber bullying just needs to go and grow a faqing backbone.
And as for the people who are on the other side, who are actually *doing* the quote-unquote bullying, well I can't figure out if they're worse. My advice to them is to just go step outside for a little bit. If you want to make fun of someone, do it face to face. It's much more rewarding.
I've only had one person 'bully' me continuosly online before. (I mean, I've also gotten my fair share of rude remarks, but whatever.) I've just learnt to laugh at him now. If I ignored the kid I'd feel sorry for him, because apparently he has nothing better to do than to put me down. I just wish he would do it publically some more, because they're hilarious. TRUST ME. :D
Maaaan I wish I was more annoying, so more people would hate me. :(
And that concludes today's three-am-rant. :D
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