rukichu / Member

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Snopes comes to the rescue once again.

[color=#ff40ff]Well, let's rewind a bit. In fourth period Literature class, the teacher is telling us about the 1500's. She beleives that it's important for us to know about the culture and what life is like before we start reading plays from that time era. Okay, that's pretty cool of her to do instead of just shoving the material in our faces. I like slow and gradual introductions to new things. So she starts out by passing out a paper that has a bunch of "facts" about life in the 1500's. As I'm reading through this list, my bull**** detector is ready to explode. I've read the exact same list of facts in an chain letter e-mail. Now how could a chain-mail be right, and why is she teaching us from something out of her inbox instead of a book? Now I haven't lost faith in my teacher yet, she's pretty cool. I'm not going to critisize her in any way. But after school, I ran (probably not the best idea when you're in a high school filled with inexperienced drivers who DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE A TURN SIGNAL rawr...) home to check Snopes, to see if they had any information on her little list. And bingo, they do. I'm going to print this out and show it to her Wednesday, and see how it goes. I just hope that she doesn't think I'm a little show-offy **** for the rest of the year, like this one teacher did. I just don't want everyone learning a bunch of mis-information.[/color]