IT'S THURSDAY ALREADY. Which leaves only four days until monday... aka the day when I'm forced into piano lessons!
I was going to like, really push myself this week and practice every day for an HOUR. Lately I've been definatly not doing as well and just like... generally sucking. Seven hours of practice of the course of a week would really help, right?
Last time I checked the calender, it was tuesday. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE. The summer's really taking its toll I guess... the days are just blending into each other so smoothly. Maybe two hours of practice a day would help instead, but focusing on somehting for two hours straight? no thanks, can't do that... o_O
Anyway good news is that I discovered this shocking fact about the date by going on the foster's forum and seeing that Noze had posted an episode discussion thread for the new one that'd air tonight. so yeah!
and speaking of Foster's I'd totally pay sean marquette any sum of money to fake an orgasm in his mac voice. And yes, you all needed to know that. :D Your life is now complete now that you know that.
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