rukichu / Member

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Well then...

I think the worst part about my mom knowing I'm not in band is over. she just like... kicked me a few times in the leg and pulled my hair, which is a lot less than I expected. o.o;;

She's making my dad call my counseler to change my schedule. :( I was going to take art because... well, duh, and Spanish so that Porcupine and I would have a class together. I hope the counseler doesn't do anything about my schedule, because after all... it's my schedule.

My mom said I was an embarassment who just makes her life difficult, and a lazy introvert with no friends at all. She said she was so embarassed because she was telling all the women at work about me, about how I'd be going to disney world for band... and oops, I'm not in band. so waaah.

Oh, and she also said that if the counseler can't change my schedule, that she's taking away my computer for the summer. ;_; argh.