Why do I keep getting pwnd?
by rukichu on Comments
[color=#ff40ff]First, there was that incident on the Kipster's blog, where I thought Bloo was calling me the awesomest, but he was really talking about the Kippixel. So I was totally PWND then. And then I'm going around, bragging about how I've never been hit by a tornado in my life. And about a day after that, my mom calls me saying how a tornado's gonna eat the townsfolk, destroy our corn, and rape our dogs. So I post in my blog on it, and quote TWC... when it turns out that they didn't write it, but the NWS did. ;______; MAN it's like I keep getting pwnd and pwnd and pwnd over and over and over. and over again. What will I get pwnd over next? :?[/color]