rukichu / Member

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YAY i have friends lol

[color=#ff40ff]So at piano today I walk into the studio, and SURPRIIIISE. My two friends Dario and Porcupine are there. XDD which I thought was sooo nice of them to come. They want to walk there with me every monday now... hmm, sounds fun. And afterwords they said we could go jam out in the Lithuanian resturaunt across the street. Oh and some more good news. My parents and grandparents said that if we go somewhere for spring break (and that's a pretty big IF) then I'd get to pick where we go. @___@!!! ZOMG. So yeah if we go I'd probably pick a location like oh say NEW JERSEY or maybe a state that borders it. :o like New York. hmmm yeah new york's sounding pretty good, because I don't think anybody but me in my family would wanna go to nj. XD;; man that'd be so cool if I got to meet Bloo over spring break, but that prolly won't happen. :P ah well I can still daydream about it like a schoolgirl. on crack.[/color]