ruleklw's forum posts
great news!
hope it comes out this year for ps3, even though I dont think thats gonna happen
Just wanted to make sure that everybody knows that the words Console Exclusivity does have a real impact and is a valid term to use, as this site uses the same term when talking about Unreal Tournament, so when talking about games such as Gears of War, Halo etc., they are CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE.;title;5
Whats next?? Its funny cuz I am a PS3 owner (PSN name: ruleklw) but it seems as whenever I start to get excited for a game, it flops. NONE of the extremely hyped PS3 games have lived up to their hype, so I am wondering what the next flop is gonna be. What do you think?
I think it is. Alot of fanboys try to discredit this term on system wars by saying that if a game can be had on another system, including the pc, it is not exclusive, especially when talking about xbox 360 games. I think this term is very valid. Pc gamers are kind of different as most of them are hardcore gamers. Most of console owners are casuals (Proven by the success of the Wii), and Im sure that most console owners do not own a high powered gaming pc.
Even though a game may appear on the pc, it can still help the sales of a console as well. What if Warcraft was released on to the ps3?? I promise you that would help the sales of the ps3 while hurting sales of other consoles.
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