Global Warming is happening.:?
We are going to die. :shock:
Personally, I don't care. I'm going to die anyway. :lol:
Global Warming is happening.:?
We are going to die. :shock:
Personally, I don't care. I'm going to die anyway. :lol:
Yes I can solve a rubik's cube, it takes about 1-2 minutes.
then again, the record is 7.8 seconds.
oh well, better get practicing...
What if one was crazy? Then the other has no control over them.
Man, having a crazy guy attached to me would be scary.
What instrument or criteria are used for measuring the power of an emotion?xaos
Emotion is measured by how many people it affects. Love, for example, affects you, whoever it is, your immediate relatives, whoever's immediate relatives, anyone who secretly loves you, anyone who secretly loves whoever it is, etc.
But I think that the strongest emotion is greed. Greed causes every other emotion . Fear we won't get what we want, anger when we don't get what we want, jealousy if someone else get's it instead, and hate if someone prevents us from getting it.
Incidentally, Zeuxo started this discussion because of greed: he WANTed to know our opinion. If no one had poste, he'd be ANGRY and HATE us, and if we posted to someone else who was asking the same thing, he'd be JEALOUS of them. And when he started this in the first place, he was probably AFRAID that no one would pay it any attention.
(Probably not actually, but oh well, you get the point.)
PS: You're reading this because you WANT to know what I have to say!:D
A game where you just walk around and do whatever the hell you like. Seriously, whatever the hell you like. Even start your own company. Or drug dealing. Or become president and blow up Australia with nuclear warheads if you feel like it. You can even by videogames from a shop and play them in the game. As long as you have enough money. And if you don't just shoot the shop guy and steal it. Anything. And with good graphics. Not to mention it has to be online.
Flight, for sure. As for people saying Immortality, I would seriously reconsider if I were you. Imagine never dying, the world ends and you'll be all alone floating in space, with nothing to do.
My second power? Maybe fireballs or beams.
The world ending and ending up alone? Hm... Luckily,
I have 7 plans for that eventuality:
1) Wait for the time machine to be invented OR just give myself the power of time travel.
2) Failing that, wait for intergalactic travel to be invented OR just give myself the power of space travel.
3) Failing that, amuse myself by getting the death sentence at least once per continent.
4)After that gets boring, I'll just build an indestructible box and place all my stuff inside, so I'll have something to do for the next 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 years or so.
5) I'll use my other powers to stop the world/Universe ending OR make new earth for people to live on.
6) Copy my friends so they also live forever.
7) Take over the world.
Every time someone asks me this question, I say the same thing even though they say it's cheating:
The ability to change my DNA, allowing me to give myself any super power!
...And for the other one, immortality which you couldn't really get from the first one.
[QUOTE="rundas03"]Reality is one of two things:
1) The real world, and all the real solid objects on/in it.
2) How we perceive the world.
It is completely deniable that everything around is real. But it is completely undeniable that our perception of it is real.
(Note: The above statement has no typos in it.)
The objects around us could, for all we know, be hallucinations. There is no evidence that they are real except what the facts are telling us. Facts which, assuming the objects around us are hallucinations, are also hallucinations. However, if I get what seems to be an orange out of what I understand to be a fruit bowl, to me it is an orange. That is undeniable. Never mind what it is, or whether or not it is real, to me it is an orange. The way I see that object is as an orange. So, as far as I care, the reality is that it is an orange. So that is what I think reality is.
So if I and a hundred other people unanimously agree that you've got an orange, are we coincidentally sharing the same hallucination? Or are you hallucinating that a hundred people are reaffirming your hallucination?
Either that is true, or you're just hallucinating me proposing this idea. Anyway, maybe I shouldn't have said hallucination. I just meant that there is no way we can ever be truly sure that what we see or feel is real, because if I asked you "is this orange real?" how do I know that what you're telling me is true? It's just what you think, based on what you can see. Which is not necessarily real.
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