To begin, I'm pretty sure I write mostly for my own amusement, as no one else in the known universe can handle my rantings, ravings, and various other rigamarole. That aside, it's been quite a while since I've written anything, and a lot has gone on in my life.
I joined the United States Army, for one, bought a PS3 and a Wii, had two more children, and moved to Texas. Exciting, no? On with the insanity, as it were:
Along with being a father, there comes the obligitory Father's Day. My wife not only took me to an Outback Steakhouse, but also alotted me a dollar amount not to equal more than $30. Demon's Souls just so happened to be on sale at Game Stop for the low low low price of $26.99. Having done my research, I snatched up their last copy and ventured home, and this is where the game review and critique will commence, at least what I have completed of the game thus far.
The graphics:
Standard fantasy fare. They're not breathtaking, nor are they revolutionary, but they are passable and a decent entry into the realm of HD gaming. Most textures are crisp and clear, where others leave much to be desired. It's hard to keep up, I'd imagine in a game of this scale, i.e. World of Warcraft, but it works, and I'm not going to shed a tear. At times, the lighting is annoying, as it's meant to be a dark game, but it just gets ridiculous at points.
The control:
It suffices to say the least. The issues with response time and the almost useless dodge feature are about the only negatives I can find.
The gameplay:
Two words: Holy crap. That's all I say over and over again, as I find myself dying and dying and dying. I often find myself on the verge of creating a Dual-Shock 3 shaped hole in the television, but I refrain and step outside for a smoke and a breather, then I'll either shut the damn thing off or slowly try again for about ten minutes. It's not that the gameplay is bad, rather, it's just an insane challenge, and at that, one that needs to be slowly whittled away at, rather than consumed immediately. It's a time absorber for the sheer fact that if you do not take your time you will die... Repeatedly.
The sound:
Very engrossing, the clang of the blade, the grunts and groans of the undead and dying are crisp, clear and entertaining. I have four small children, so the music is not noticeable over their din. Nothing much else to say, the sound is very tidy, very clean, and serves well to draw you in.
The verdict:
I'm not being biased, nor am I jumping the gun, but I will give this game a 7.5 out of 10 for the factor of the extreme difficulty and learning curve involved. I haven't been this challenged for a long time. I actually can't remember the last time I felt this challenged with a newer game. It's frustration that's keeping the score down. It may change once I have the time to plug into Demon's Souls, but until then, it's a strong 7.5, and that's that.
I'm Kyle Ruppel, and Demon's Souls is a game worthy of your time.
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