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Waiting for Fallout 3

Waiting for Fallout 3

My, oh my, I can't even tell where to begin to describe my yearning, nay, need for this game to come out. To those not actually waiting for anything specific, eight days is a pittance, a mere week. But to me, an avid fan of the Fallout games, it's an eternity. I stopped off at GameStop a short while ago to purchase the Darkness and, yes, Monster Madness (blech! Imagine Zombies Ate My Neighbors without the fun, satire, or atmosphere and you have Monster Madness. More on that later...) I noticed a large poster on the wall advertising Fallout 3. And what else? It's going to be out on the 28th?! My God, where do I sign?

The helpful guy behind the counter who happened to be ringing me up mentioned Fallout 3 and I just about hugged him. He was excited too, and had to mention these fatal words to me;

"Hey, if you pre-order Fallout, you get a free poster and soundtrack right now!"

Me, "Here's my soul, please take good care of it. It's not worth much, but I'm sure it'll stave Bethesda long enough to grant me a reserved copy."

So, I pay my fee and scramble out the door cackling and screaming like a drunken monkey, fling open the door to the Explorer and just giggle. I'm not kidding, I giggled. I've not been so excited for a game, or for that matter, anything to come out in a long time. At least not since the fake trailer for the Legend of Zelda movie debuted and for a brief moment hoped it was real. Or, quite possibly when I heard the Matrix had sequels on the way.

My wife just doesn't get it. I do. I'm a guy, I love Fallout, I love the Elder Scrolls, therefore, I NEED this game.

As a conclusion, just to sum up, I hated Monster Madness, but love Fallout so much that I traded it towards my pre-order fee, so, thank you, GameStop, I now owe two dollars and fifty-six cents less on my fee.

Stay tuned for the action-packed blog about Monster Madness.