First off this is my first soap box entry...
So I read through gaming Forums, Blogs and all the different forms of communication. All I can think about is how our society is the take one side mentality. Perhaps is it human nature, perhaps it is for the fun of it. It seem like all you read is, this game is better than that game, this system is better than that system. That game did not score a 9 so it is a flop...last time I checked and played some of the 7 rated and lower games I have had a ball with. What come to mind right off the bat is Two Worlds. I really enjoyed playing that game.
I read through the forums and such and all I get the feeling is politics. I am a company XXX supporter and I will only support that company damn all other options. I am a Rep or Dem, I have the cure for cancer. The other side is going to say no you do not it is wrong. I find it funny and dis hearting all at the same time. I know there are some people out there to push buttons to get a rise out of someone (I have done that from time to time.)
What is a video game? Images and sound created for one reason. Anyone......Anyone. Fun. Who cares if it rates a 6. If you enjoy the game then play it and the rest of the world means nothing while you do. Why let the ratings and such bring you down. I played Halo 3 recently, was it the best game ever....No. What is bad....No. To each there own. I know some people say that the game is the best ever and some say ...ehhh..not my thing. Most of them will give there opinion and be done with it. Not attempt to shove their opinion down someones throat. "You are an idiot if you think this game is the best ever" I am OK being a idiot then if that is my feelings.
I closing I personally have a 360, PS3 and Gaming PC. I enjoy all of the systems. I will continue to enjoy the different systems in the future. With some really great games coming soon I know I will have a ton of fun. Mass Effect, Drakes, Crysis....etc...etc. I hope all enjoyed this little rant.
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