Since 2007 has already finished, I've decided to name my overall top 5 games that I played last year. It was pretty difficult to work out since some of the games I played were equally as good, but I feel that the order I have come up with is pretty right. I've also decided to do something new this year, list the pros and cons of the game (so hopefully a game dev reads this and is able to make a perfect game). Anyway, here they are:
5. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl (DS)
I know a lot of people are going to disagree with this game being here, but I don't see how it shouldn't. Pokemon Diamond is definitely one of the games which I played the most this year; it certainly kept me entertained a lot of the time when I was bored or on a long trip. Yeah, it may be yet another Pokemon RPG, but who said they were getting old in the first place? Pokemon RPG's are just downright fun and with the many extras put into Diamond/Pearl, it made the experience even more enjoying. So far I've clocked up nearly 90 hours of playing time; catching and raising Pokemon to make an ultimate party. Despite the lack of sidequests, this game definitely has the best replay value out of any game released this year and was worth every dollar.
- Gameplay; addictive, fun and never gets old
- Graphics; a nice upgrade from the previous installments that seem to fit the game perfect.
- Sound; usual nice tunes that get stuck in your head
- Replay value; you can keep playing this game forever
- Online; great...when you can actually play it: lack of random battle option.
- Sidequests; there aren't many sidequests besides getting the obvious to find and catch legendaries, and the usual 'catch 'em all'.
- Map; it could have been better...
Overall Score: 9.2/10
4. Crysis (PC)
What's there to be said about Crysis? Oh yeah, the graphics! The moment I first saw this game in motion, my jaw dropped. The amount of realism in the game was stunning. I knew I had to get this game when it came out and I did so. When I first played the demo, I was fascinated with the amount of detail that had been put into the game, it made me feel as I was actually there, in a live jungle. The realism also creates a large amount of suspence, which I think is a great thing that all modern FPS games should have. When I finally got the full game, I was satisfied playing it...but wasn't too impressed with the game as I thought I would be. I guess it was because of the massive hype that surrounded the game that made me think less of the game, but anyway, it is still a great game in my eyes and it's the third best FPS game I've played this year.
- Graphics; absolutely stunning
- Art design; the environments are beautiful
- Realism; feels as if I'm there
- Sound; definitely suits the mood at all times
- Performance; I run the game at medium-to-high settings and I still get a lot of lag
- A.I.; characters in the game are pretty stupid and to compensate with the stupidty of the enemies, they put a ton of enemies in the one area which is really annoying
- Gameplay; Déjà vu is common when playing this game, gameplay mechanics aren't anything special
- Online; bit lacking, that's all to say probably
Overall Score: 9.3/10
3. Call of Duty 4 (X360)
To be honest, I was unsure about even purchasing this game. I honestly haven't enjoyed the previous Call of Duty games (to me, they felt bland and repeditive) so I was thinking of putting this game off all together. Then I saw the reviews, which seemed extrememly high so I took a risk and bought this game. I can definitely say that the risk payed off, because Call of Duty 4 is a great game. I started the game off by playing through the campaign, which was pretty enjoying, though it was frustrating and a little bit repeditive at times. Overall, the campain was good, but a little too short for my liking. Though what really makes this game shine is the multiplayer. I've never had so much fun playing a game online...ever. The multiplayer was well above my expectations, it just seems perfect. I must admitt that it was quite annoying starting off in multiplayer, since your thrown in games with pro's so you get absolutely owned, but I guess it gives you a lot of practice. The graphics and sound are basically flawless as well, really adds to the realism of this game. Call of Duty 4 is the best online game I have ever played and the second best FPS game of 2007.
- Online; extremely fun, absolutely flawless
- Graphics; the game looks amazing on my 360, very well optimized
- Sound; music makes the campaign feel very cinematic, sound effects are perfect
- Single player; short and a little lacking
Overall Score: 9.5/10
2. BioShock (PC)
From the moment I saw glimpes of this game, I was immediately interested. BioShock seemed to be one of the most interesting games I had ever seen; the whole idea blew me away. The 'wow' factor in BioShock is absolutely through the roof, the environments are stunning...the whole atmosphere of the game just entireley sucks you in. BioShock is one of those games that sets a new standard...because of it's level of innovation and creativity. Okay, now to the actual details. BioShock may be only a single player game, but it was definitely an exciting and rewarding single player experience. The game was fun the whole way through, from start to finish. The story of the game was excellent except for the ending, which seemed pretty rushed. The story was a little short though, but the amount of collectibles in the game certainly makes up for this. The graphics in BioShock were absolutely amazing, mainly because of the art design. They couldn't have possibly made a 1960's underwater utopia look any better. The sound was also fantastic, definitely suited the ****of game. BioShock is definitely one of the most interesting games I have ever played and is the best FPS game of 2007.
- Art design; completely sucks you into the game
- Graphics; the game was very nice on the eyes, very smooth and effective
- Sound; the string arrangements and the late-50's tunes definitely make the game
- Story; a little short and has a very average ending
Overall Score: 9.6/10
1. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
That's right, Super Mario Galaxy is the best game that I played in 2007. Since it was the next big Mario platformer, my expectations for Galaxy were extremely high. From what I can tell, the game nearly met my expectations (probably because my expectations were too high because it was hyped so much). Super Mario Galaxy is definitely a worthy successor to Super Mario 64, because it's a better a game entirely. Super Mario Galaxy is an extremely enjoying game, honestly, it's just so damn fun that I couldn't let go of it until I got all 120 *SPOILER*, really 121 *END SPOILER* stars. The gameplay of course is perfect, nothing wrong here. The graphics looks amazing from a Wii game, all thanks to the incredible art design that even makes the game look surperior to some PS3 and 360 titles. Sound is groundbreaking as well, the orchestral scores make the game feel so epic and full of life. The only problems I had with Super Mario Galaxy was that it was a little short, I would have preferred it to be as long (or longer) than Super Mario 64. Then also the game gets a little repeditive and frustrating times (all thanks to the 100 purple coin missions). Putting all that aside, Super Mario Galaxy is a very solid game and definitely the best 3D Mario platformer to date. Super Mario Galaxy is the best game of 2007.
- Gameplay; pure bliss
- Graphics; look smooth and vibrant
- Art design; what makes the graphics look good; absolutely stunning
- Sound; original score does make the game feel out of this world
It's very hard to catogarise the cons of Super Mario Galaxy, so I'll just list them all:
- A little short
- A bit repeditive and frustrating at times
Overall Score: 9.7/10
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