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rycr Blog

Whoo! New Games!

I just stumbled across Vindictus, which has become one of my new favorite games. I've never seen an MMO quite like it. It's like a combination of Action RPG and MMORPG, with fun, fast-paced gameplay.

I've also gotten Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga, which I have to say is an awesome epic-scale Action RPG. I found this after looking for games like Oblivion (since I really wanted to play Oblivion but it kept crashing on me). This one fits the bill. Plus, it's got some pretty cool features that I haven't seen in other RPGs.

Now, if things go the way they usually do, I'll see you in another two years! XD I'll try to shorten the interval a bit this time...

Back From the Dead

Yeah, I'm back. The amount of time I'll spend here, or whether I stay for very long, is still up for contention. It'll be a while before I make any significant contributions to anything. My game collection has been...updated a LOT since I left nearly two years ago, and I'll be spending a while changing my wishlist, collection, and tracked games around... I just realized the irony when I logged back on, because the last post before I left for so long was about how I hadn't left.

So, yeah, I'm back from the dead. I guess I'll have to make some meaningful contributions again...

No, I'm not dead

Just posting to let you know that I'm not dead, and that I'll be logging on more often.  Just for your information...

Yeah, not much to say, except that my house isn't a mess anymore like it was a couple months ago.  I'm all moved in and stuff.  I've finally settled down, made some friends, and gotten my life back to normal after the move.

Anyway, I've been playing Deus Ex recently, just for old time's sake.  It's a pretty good game.  I started Invisible War a little while ago, but I just never got into it.  Anyway, it's a great game, especially if you're a conspiracy theorist.  Then you'll go nuts over it.

Um...I guess I'm done.  I'll post again when I have something important to say (like getting a PS3 when everything calms down a bit).

Guess what?

That's right!!!  New pictures AGAIN!!!

It's been a while since I made new banner and blog pics, so I decided to change mine.  I'll either leave it or change it one more time, then leave it for a while.  So...what do you think?

W00T!  I reached level nine.  Now I'm an "Ikari Warrior"

Yeah, not much else to say.  I'm still waiting for the PS3 to come out, and I have enough money now, so...yeah...

Unions V2

Somebody (ahem...Sentinelrv) came up with an awesome idea (actually, multiple awesome ideas) concerning the GameSpot Unions.  Go read the topic right now and support it!  More info here.

These improvements would completely revitalize the Union system, and definitely result in an increase in Union participation.  Check it out!

This is an OUTRAGE!!!

Okay, if anybody reading this hasn't played any of the recent Sonic Games ("recent" being since Sonic Adventure), just stop reading now since it probably won't concern you much.

So, has anybody ever seen the anime "Sonic X"?  If it was the 4Kids english-dubbed version, then you know how crappy most of the VAs are, right?  Well, get a load of this:


Yes, though they have a logical reason for Eggman's VA (rest in peace), the other VAs were all fired.  Worst of all, none of them knew until Sonic's VA called Sega and asked if they needed him to voice Sonic in "Shadow the Hedgehog"!:evil:

Okay, it may sound like I'm getting mad about nothing, but trust me, just watch one of the english dubs from the last season, then come back and tell me if you're also outraged.

People are signing a petition here asking for the rehiring of the former VAs (except for Eggman's, for obvious reasons).  Please sign it!  There are already more than 4000 signatures, but "You know what they say, the more, the merrier!":P

In other, less important news, I FINALLY reached level eight.:roll:  Yeah, not that important, but whatever.  I'm still in the process of moving in, of course, and there's junk all over my room.  Not to mention it's about 4 AM, and I'm still awake for some odd reason.

Anyway, I...zzzzz.........*snore*

New Banner...again!!!

UPDATE: Okay, I made my final banner for a while.  This one is not animated and hopefully won't be changing for a while.  I'm currently living in a hotel now, and my entire life is in boxes in a moving van headed for Texas.  Everything except the wonderful laptop that I'm currently using, of course.  Anyway, that's it for now...

The old banner was just too much.  I decided to get rid of it and replace it with this.  It had an entire scene from the FFXIII trailer animated on it, frame by frame, and had a grand total of 41 frames.  Speaking of the trailer, if you haven't seen it yet, go watch it!

EDIT: Well, I wanted to add a couple interesting quotes, so...um...here you go...

"The Statue of Liberty does not look like the Statue of Liberty without that giant f*cking green statue on top." -Harvey, Deus Ex development team, Ion Storm.

"I got my leg blown off yesterday and I really didn't notice anything different." -Steve, Deus Ex development team, Ion Storm.

Looking Forward

I recently read an article in PSM about a PS3 game that looks absolutely awesome!  It's called Assassin's Creed.  Go look it up and see for yourself!  I can't wait to see how this game plays.

Yes, that means I'm buying a PS3.  Yes, that means I'm not buying a 360 or a Wii unless I have a LOT of spare cash.  Don't flame me for saying this or call me a cow or a crab or whatever the retarded nickname is these days.

Whenever I'm going to buy a new system, the games are what convince me to buy it.  I really don't care about teraflops or polygons or gigahertz or any of that, unless there's a massive difference that renders one of the consoles obsolete.  The gameplay and storylines are what concern me the most.  So, for each system, I counted up how many games looked interesting, and the PS3 was a clear winner.

There you go.  That's my opinion.  If you ignore what I said and flame me anyways, those flames will be redirected at my evil little sister.  So, don't flame me, because it's not nice to roast children, okay?

Um...yeah...anyway...I didn't mean to rant so much, but every time I mention any of the next-gen systems, I get carried away.  Sorry about that.

So, I'm currently in Canada visiting family.  I came straight here after a Boy Scout trip to Seabase, in Islamorada, Florida.  We went sailing for five days and visited Key West, where my 17-year-old friend bought a cigar for one of the adults, just to prove that he could fake being 18.  Yeah, it's actually a long story that I'd rather not recount.

Anyway, has anybody else here been to Seabase?  Just wondering...

So...I suppose that's it for today.


Quote of the day: "I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."

The Big Traveling Fiasco

This, my longest blog post ever, is a long rant about traveling to and from Houston.  If you don't want to read a long, tedious description of my traveling troubles, skip the next several paragraphs.

Well, I left on Saturday of last week to go look for a new house in Texas, since I'll be moving there some time in a month or so.  So, we get to the airport with plenty of time to spare.  There were no holdups, gate-changes, or delays.  Now, if you know my family at all, you know that something always goes wrong  when we're traveling anywhere by plane.  Sometimes the gate changes and we have five minutes to sprint to the opposite end of the airport.  Sometimes the plane doesn't land until long after it should have left, and it is delayed by several hours.  Naturally, we're all wondering why nothing went wrong.  I put it out of my mind and relaxed during the 4-hour flight to Houston, Texas.

At the 3 1/2 hour mark, the pilot announces that there is a massive storm right over the airport, and that no planes can land at the moment.  We go into a holding pattern when we reach the airport after around a 4-hour flight, and circle above the airport for a while along with tons of other planes.  (Houston is the hub for all domestic Continental Airlines flights, so there were loads of other planes waiting to land as well.)

After spending an hour in the holding pattern, the pilot comes on again and says that the plane is running low on gas.  So, we cruise on over to Austin to land and refuel.  It doesn't take long to get there, but it takes an hour for the fuel truck to get to us and finish filling up the tank (other planes were there before us).  Then we waited in line to take off and flew back to Houston, where we were finally able to land since the storm had moved on.  I ended up spending 6 or 7 hours on that plane.  (I took a look at the Arrivals listing in Houston and saw that nearly EVERY Continental Airlines plane was running at least a half-hour late!)

Everything in Houston went well, and we found a good house, bought it at about 20,000 dollars below the asking price, and had pretty good weather for the most part.  We get back to the Houston airport, and less than 10 minutes after we go inside, there is a full-blown storm going again.  We check in, and our flight's still leaving on time, so we go up and wait by the gate.  (We got there extremely early because we ran out of things to occupy us in Houston).  After waiting for a while, we go look at the Departures listing and see that, once again, almost every incoming and outgoing flight is delayed.  Ours was only delayed by 45 minutes at that point, though.

Every minute or two there's a new announcement about a gate change, delay, and/or cancellation of various flights.  Ours ended up boarding about an hour behind schedule, rather than 45 minutes.  Then we waited another half-hour for 9 people to arrive on their connecting flight and board the plane.  Then we waited yet another half-hour in a long line of planes in order to take off on the runway.  We gained about a half-hour in the air and arrived only an hour and a half late.

And that's my traveling fiasco.

On a lighter note, I found a used copy of .hack//Mutation in a GameStop in Houston, so now I have another game to play for a while!  I also bought X-Men, New Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart DS, and Metroid Prime Hunters for my DS last Friday, and Animal Crossing: Wild World while I was in Houston.

Wow, I really spent a lot since school got out, especially if you include my new DS Lite.

Anyway, until next time!

My Amazing New DS Lite!

I FINALLY got the DS Lite about an hour ago!  Yes, I know this is my second blog post today, but I couldn't wait!  I FINALLY have it!

Yeah, if you want to hear about anything else that happened today or late yesterday, just read my previous post.

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