I'm sick of seeing people on fuse post pictures of naked and or half naked people...I seriously could give a crap less what turns you on and whatnot, like really really don't care and really don't want that thought or image in my mind. I am tired of these sad men posting pictures of these pixelated women that they so desire..It grosses me out every time. Only because I can imagine the guy snorting in a corner while drooling and thinking of pixel boobs..or these stupid cosplay hookers...Nobody really cares what you like, this is a gaming site..yeah yeah save your intelligent comments on how "Catherine is a game!" or "Lollipop chainsaw is a game!" no..they are portals into a sad world for lonely men who have nothing...I know I know some of you are "married" and your wives are "okay" with what you do..no..no they aren't..your wives put up with it because they have no other choice, and I'm sure they're incredibly sad and you'll never know about it. No I don't speak from experience..I am lucky to not have to deal with idiots like the ones I speak of...I married a man, a real one..not the man who sits on a couch drinking beer belching and slobbering all over his fat body..oh I know, "You're so mean! Why would you say these things? Some guys just like to drink a beer after work! What's the harm in that?" and whatever else whiny crap you want to insert in there. Every time I say this on Fuse, all's I get is stupid people saying "You're a prude! You're jealous!" Prude, no...I just don't care to see sexual crap all the time..It's called maturity, and I'm passed the stage of being thrilled by such things..I think that ended when I was 16..And jealous? haha..yeah..I have boobs, so I have nothing to be jealous of..I'm simply sick of it..it's like being in a daycare for giant children...just grow up already and move on in life..or find some other place to post your skeezy pictures..because I'm sick of looking at your immature prepubescent fantasies of what you'll never get..
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