@Barighm: Nintendo already has a lot of development studios. They break them up among console and handheld systems. The NX will have all of their studios making games for it. Also there has not been any new games announed for the WiiU in a really long time, so you know they must be working on a lots of NX projects.
I would love to play P vs Z 2 but my smart phone sucks and I hate that they went with the free to play model. I wish EA would just release a full version for a set price for either the PC or the consoles. At least Garden Warfare 2 is not that far away.
@samahir01: One of the biggest reasons you bought an Xbox One over the PS4 was because Sony charges for PSNow? I bought my PS4 and Xbox One to play new games on them not based off last Gen. games. To each their own.
@eldereidolon: I would rather spend money on the DLC then buy a stupid CE edition just for some dust collecting statue, but everybody seems to be ok with spending extra money on that. As long as it's not pay to win why does it bother people so much what other people spend their money on?
Ryno1179's comments