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ryohazuki1987 Blog

A Brief Update

I seem to be doing a really bad job of getting on here with any sort of regularity. If it makes you feel any better, my activity on a lot of other sites has gone down too. Thanks to everyone who's left a comment on my last blog and who still bothers to read these things. I should have written an update last time I logged on, but I didn't, so now you'll get one.

I've been really busy this month, I chose to take 2 classes this summer and I also started a new job. I'm still waiting for my final grade on my Lit class, but I'm happy that I had a 89 heading into the final. Trying to take a semester long course in 4 weeks is insane, yet I appear to have survived. My Biology class will still last until the end of July unfortunately.

Haven't really had much time for gaming this month, much less gaming websites. I'm not sure how much my activity will pick up over the next few weeks if any, things will probably be pretty busy for awhile, so I make no promises about stopping by here. I miss it...but there are only so many hours in the day.

I'll write some more next time I'm on (hopefully not too long from now).

GS says Topic titles must be between 5 and 80 characters.

I'm going to bed, just thought I would log on and check my page quickly. Thanks to everyone who left me a comment, and I hope that I'll be able to spend a little bit of time on here later this week. We'll see, my grandparents are coming to town this week, my brother's b-day is tomorrow (or today now), and a test, plus another b-day party to go to. And I also want to get another level up for my main character in WoW. Not from scratch mind you, I'm already 80% there.

Until next time, don't forget to turn on your AC. *stupid 90-degree (fahrenheit) weather here already*

P.S. My first title was "yawn" but that got an error message, thus leading to the current blog title.

Back From the Abyss

Wow, it's hard to believe that I haven't logged in here for over a month. Maybe that will change over the next few weeks, maybe not.

I've been busy trying to catch up on all the games I'm currently in the middle of. I'm slowly but steadily making progress at that. Hopefully I'll be able to finish some games up once I finish school in six weeks. I want to buy more games, but I know that I shouldn't add any more right now. Xenosaga is still awesome, I should finish up Episode I in the next couple of weeks and then I can start with Episode II. 

And apparently, I'm most like my favourite character in the series.

Quiz Result Provided By:

What Xenosaga Character Are You?

Hosted by Anime. Done right.

I Feel Like a Thief

I just got back from what used to be Rhino Video Games, now bought out by Gamestop. And I discovered some good and some bad there, the good is that all the same employees work there, the bad (and good) is that they are selling (at 75% off) all the pre-ps2 era games and not stocking anymore.

For just a little over 50 bucks, I picked up a subscription card, Spider-man 3 poster, and all of these games (I originally had my opinion following each title, but GS deleted the bottom half of my post)

Omikron the Nomad Soul

Sonic Heroes

Fatal Frame

Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero
Max Payne
Beyond Good & Evil

Home Alone 2
Ecco: The Tides of Time
Mario Andretti Racing
Space Harrier II
Outrun 2019
Super Hang-on
Sonic 3D Blast
Phantasy Star IV

I'm back (sorta)

Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here. And it's all WoW's fault...not really. I've only played 5 or 6 hours of that since school started. Mainly I've been busy with homework, finding ways to put of doing my homework, and hanging out with friends.

I planned on signing on last weekend but I just didn't have time. I'm not sure how much I'll be on GS over the next few weeks, but I haven't forgotten about everyone here. I just needed some time away, especially with all the other stuff that's been going on in real life lately.

I can't make any promises, but I am going to try to get on for at least 2 or 3 hours a week from now on, since I do miss it here.

Merry Christmas/Christmas Eve!

Just writing to wish all of you a Merry Christmas! Or Christmas Eve, depending on where you live. :P

I've still got three hours until midnight, but I figured I'd wish you all a Merry Christmas in advance, since I might not be online tomorrow.

I hope that all of my friends here have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Time to Game

Well, I haven't been around GS as much as expected recently because of one reason. I've been busy playing games! Primarily World of Warcraft. I downloaded the 10 day trial and I've already maxed out one character at level 20. I hate trial account limitations, when I buy/get the game I'll be able to get up to level 60. Now that will take a while. Especially since school starts back up in like 18 days. Aside from that I've been working my way through Heroic difficulty in Halo and improving my cities in SimCity 4. I've been thinking about playing through both Sonic Adventure games in one day just for the heck of it. Well that's all I really have to say in this blog, so I don't know why you are even reading this far....seriously.....stop it.....leave a comment....go play some games....listen to music.....stop over....

On the Verge

Well, I'm on the verge of Level 15 now. I hate it when I'm at 99% of a level. I'm glad that (I think) levels 16 and 18 are really quick levels, so hopefully a month from now I'll be about Level 19.

In more important news, finals are finally over. 1 semester out of the way, 7 more to go. :P

And lastly and most importantly, now I have time for gaming and GS again! I finished MGS2 a couple nights ago wow...the entire game was awesome. I'm probably gonna write a review for it before school starts back up next month. I think I'll finish another play-through before I write the review. If you haven't played this game do so immediately.

I'm also hopefully getting World of Warcraft for Christmas, so if it seems like I've disappeared from GS for a few weeks you'll know why. :P

Disappearing Emblems

GS is at the disappearing emblem game again. I want my Tagger King Emblem back! I worked hard for that thing... I'll just be patient, it should be back later today or tomorrow.

New Games (Finally)

Woohoo! I finally got some more games today.

Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Sonic Spinball

Me and my brothers already own all three of those games, but I decided to buy my own copies today so that I won't have to whenever I move out.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Panzer Dragoon Orta

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

I finally got a MGS game and I expect that I'll be addicted to the series in no time.

Genesis games: $6
Xbox games: $18
PS2 game: $4
6 great games for less than half the price of a new 360 game: Priceless
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