ive followed everygame announced at e3 2011 because i want to get teh scoop on all the latest games. And i want to get the achievements but i have yet to get the gladiator achievements or real ninja award.
It has been said perfectly time and time again we are in a bad economy. A RECESSION not everyone has the cash to buy a 3 to 4 thousand dollar 3D TV when they just bought a 1 to 2 thousand dollar big screen TV. More importantly not everyone wants one I don't know anyone who wants to wear glasses the entire time they want to watch TV or play video games. Trust me i know I HAVE to wear glasses, because of my eyes. Think about how that effects the people with glasses. I'm glad its an option but I already have TV for gaming in a few years if I decide that its worth it ill up grade to 3D but if not i'm sticking with HD
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