s0njas0n / Member

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Another Notch in the Ole Gaming Belt

I never imagined court cases to be much fun; however, that's exactly what it is with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. I finished the game last night and the story presented one plot twist after another. Each case is more complex than the last, and many times the defendants are less than compliant so your work as a defense attorney is cut out for you. The game was also much longer than I thought it would be. Playing through all the cases took about 25 hours I'm guessing because it doesn't time you. I'm sure you could do it in less time, but I'm kind of obsessive about finding evidence the same way I was in Professor Layton.

I picked up Secret Agent Clank last week and I started playing this morning, but I still haven't decided on my next console game. I'll hopefully be finishing my first play through of Metal Gear Solid 4 over the next couple of days so I'll most likely be playing one of the following when I'm finished: God of War, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Castlevania (NES), Persona 3 FES, or Okami. Input is appreciated :)

Vote Count (some people didn't exactly vote just kinda said what was good, hence the "-ish", lol):

Okami: 5 or 6-ish
Persona 3: 2 or 3-ish
God of War 2
Uncharted: 1
Castlevania: 1