s2i2p2i2o's's Gamespot Rank
s2i2p2i2o's Emblems
Readers' Choice 2005 Chooser
Voted in 2005 Readers' Choice Awards.Administered to those who sounded off in GameSpot's 10th-annual Readers' Choice Awards, celebrating the best games of 2005.
I voted
For casting your vote, here's a brand-new emblem to add to your collection. By exercising your right to vote, you've contributed to the site by letting the whole world know about what GameSpot readers really think. Make your voice heard! Vote early and vote often!
Readers' Choice 2007 Chooser
Official Participant in 2007 Readers' Choice Awards. In a year that could only be rivaled by 1998, this user made their voice heard in GameSpot's 12th-annual Readers' Choice Awards. . . Now known as "Best of."
Greatest Game Hero Preliminary Voter
This emblem shows that you got into GameSpot’s Greatest Game Hero competition on the ground floor by voting for the 10 additional characters added to the main list. Rock the vote!
Game Expert
Here to save the day! Game Experts are knowledgeable and skilled masters in at least one game and have proven this by unlocking at least 75% of the achievements available for it. If you've ever got a question, a Game Expert's usually a good person to ask.
100% Club Member
The best of the best of the best, sir! Unlocking every achievement available for a game is a task that only the most dedicated of players complete, and for that we salute you.
E3 2011 Microsoft Conference Attendee
E3's just not the same without dudes getting chainsawed in half, amirite? I watched the Microsoft E3 2011 press conference during the week of E3, and am a better person for it.
E3 2011 Stage Show Samurai
This achievement brought to you by alliteration! I watched an episode of GameSpot's Live E3 2011 Stage show during the week of E3 and secured my place amongst the samurai elite.
E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 1
Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day one of E3.
E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 3
Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day three of E3.
E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 2
Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day two of E3.
Comic-Con 2012 - Day 2
There are many things to do with the internet, from watching videos of pop-tart cats in space to sending requests for help minding your farm. This user chose to spend some time on GameSpot's official Comic-Con site on day two, and for this we salute you.
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