This generation I have done over 90% of my gaming on Xbox 360. Â It has been my console of choice and despite its flaws I have been very happy with it. Â I came to the Xbox 360 originally because it was $200 cheaper than the PS3, Xbox Live, and its exclusive games like Gears and Halo were more interesting to me than Sony's, like Resistance. Â Because of my time with Xbox 360, Xbox One was the console I was most looking forward to next generation. Â I was unable to watch Microsoft's E3 Press Conference live, and by the time I started skipping through it on-demand, I had already heard about the $500 price tag. I've never bought a console at launch before, and was considering going through that experience for this upcoming generation, but the $500 put me off. Â I was then happy that they began the conference talking about Xbox 360 games, because I figured the Xbox One content would not be relevant to me for a while. Â My mood slowly shifted as I saw plenty of cool upcoming games for Xbone, and I began to feel that I will have to get an Xbox One sooner than I had originally planned. Â Then, when I realized I could pre-order on Amazon for no charge until shipment with the possibility to cancel at anytime, and be able to take advantage of no tax and free shipping with my Amazon Prime membership (I think free shipping was offered at most places but I prefer to think that it was a special perk for Prime) I had to put in a pre-order. Â
I wasn't sure if I would keep the Xbone order, but I was excited and to be honest did not care what Sony had to say, at least not enough to watch it live. Â I periodically checked my Twitter and Joystiq to see what Sony was announcing while doing other things, and for most of the conference I was not getting good feedback. Â I felt relatively sure Xbox One would be the system for me, despite its various flaws, just like 360. Â Then came the bombshell. Â $100 less. Â No constant online. Â No used games restrictions. Â No required Kinect watching me constantly. Â I was and am intrigued. Â
The main points of contention
-$100 cheaper. Â Obviously quite a plus for the Playstation. Â Basically the same console, although I hear PS4 is a bit more powerful with better RAM. Â Xbox has the Kinect but I'd rather save $100. PS4 wins here.
-No constant online. Â Not a huge deal because I am online most of the time anyway. Â However, last month my internet was shut down for 2 days due to a billing problem with AT&T. Â Normally I play FIFA online. It sucked to not have home internet (was able to still browse the web on my phone's 3G connection) but I made do by playing offline career mode and other games. Â It was actually kind of refreshing to just play games and not be distracted by everything online. Â So while 99% of the time this online isn't an issue, for the times it is it would be incredibly frustrating. Â I think it's more about the principle of the thing, having the freedom to do what you want. Â PS4 wins here.
-No used games restrictions. Â Again, more about the principle for me. Â I do not buy many used games, at least not in a store like Gamestop. Â I do like to rent games on Gamefly though, and will sometimes get a used game off Amazon or somewhere online if it's an old game or significantly cheaper. Â I prefer to buy them new but do not want my freedom to do what I want taken away. Â PS4 wins here.
-Finally, constant Kinect monitoring. Â I find it wise to take a middle ground on this issue. Â I do not think it will quite turn out like 1984 as some people fear. Â I also don't think it's good to completely dismiss those concerned about having an extremely powerful monitoring device online in your home 24/7 as silly. Â I'm not all that particular about my privacy online, I figure the government and companies will find out what they want about. Â If they know I like to drink Mountain Dew, watch soccer, and frequent the occasional pornographic website a few times a week, I don't care. Â But I don't like the idea of paying extra money to give them the privalege of potentially watching me. Â PS4 again.
Finally, and probably most important, the games. Â As of now I'd say I am more interested in the Xbox games. Â But I did watch most of their conference and only saw a few clips of Sony's online to be fair. If I go PS4 I will be excited to try new franchises I've missed out on like Uncharted, but I will miss my familiar Microsoft ones. Â Also very important though, I'm interested in multiplatforms like BF3, Star Wars Battlefront, and FIFA. Â I want to get the more popular system because I believe you get a better multiplatform experience, like the 360 this gen. Â Still way to early to tell who will win here, but based on yesterday's reaction, the PS4 is far ahead. Â
If the prices and consumer policies were equal I'd definitely go with the Xbox, as they are winning in games FOR ME, and after this generation I am more comfortable with Xbox. Â But as Sony is leading in both of the first departments, I'm thinking of switching. Â As it stands, I have both pre-ordered on Amazon. Â I may still cancel both, one of them, or none if I win the lottery. Â Exciting days ahead.
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