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Time for my holiday recap.
Well, to start off, I had a great Christmas, New Year's, and overall holiday school break.

For Christmas, I got plenty of great gifts, and had a great time. I really love the Christmas time of year. The games I got were Bioshock, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4, and Guitar Hero 3 (with guitar). I actually had boughten Call of Duty about a months before hand for $40 at Circuit City, and I bought Guitar Hero 3 with my own money, but I bought it on Christmas Eve so I could have it underneath the tree. It's neat because the I have an Epiphone Les Paul, and it pretty much matches the game controller (they're both black).
I got a lot of other things besides games too. Like: Linkin Park Live in Texas, Linkin Park LPU6, Linkin Park Frat Party at the Pancake Festival, a pimpin Gator hoody, and some other crap. I had about $300 dollars in cash from relatives and such also, but I blew some of that on GH3 and other things so I only have around $100 something dollars left.

And some other good news, last night, before I wathced Conan since he's returned with new episodes, I browsed the Xbox Live Marketplace for some sweet downloads. And to my surprise, I found the Gator Boys 41-14 complete domination of Ohio State Suckeyes in the championship game last year. I never thought they'd upload that game, but I'm glad they did. My only bummer is that it's not in HD, but if it were it would probably be 5-plus GB's, so that's ok.

Well, that's about it for now. Haven't blogged here in a while, butI really don't blog anywhere that much anymore. Unfortunately I have to go back to school on Monday. I've been off since the 20th and have enjoyed my time off/ Played Mass Effect for 15 hours!!! (that's a lot for me) and I've been playing a lot of guitar, constantly'll be nice to get back into the flow of normal life again, and I'm going to start going to bed earlier during the week.

Until next time, peace.