Voted RDR. COD is great and all but I mean unless you count the campaign which is always short and meaningless then every COD game since 4 is exactly the same game you could just use patches/updates instead of releasing a new game.
Yeah I do think this was a year of short comings although I like FFXIII, its just most of the characters were very irritating, RDR is good fun need to finish that (I have alot of half played games). First time trying a fifa game with fifa 11 and it's real fun especially to play with friends. I am waiting for resistance 3 eagerly, I loved resistance 1, but I think resistance 2 had terrible online and the story didn't have quite enough zazz, however fighting giant monsters is never boring. I will have to pick up unchatered 1,2 second hand so that I can get U3 when it comes out.
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