@Welshmun The only reason Crysis 2 is so "smooth" is because it has way less to process in a scene. And Jungle is what made the first game so god damn interesting, take that out and you have every other game in existence.
@xeno1ith @RemHitara_basic I liked Xen as well, but there wasn't much flow or direction to the level design like there was in the other levels. It was kinda just "OK, NEW WORLD, NOW YOU CAN GUESS WHAT TO DO"On top of that, the combat arenas Xen offered were very weak compared to the rest of HL, and made the combat against the good AI rather uninteresting. It was a great concept, just rushed in its execution.That's one of the reason BM's devs are releasing this way. Xen is being changed to make better use of possible gameplay mechanics, as well as to be more "fun", and it's being expanded to be it's own mini game, big enough to be something like HL2:Episode 1 except for BM.
@biggest_loser ...you do realize A. That voice acting won't be in the mod and B. youtube's encoding fucked up the video and that made it really dark?They responded to this several times
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