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saadshaheed Blog

Graphix and Physix

So, as we look at all the new Physix models and Graphix engines, we start to realize, that our current PC setup (if you love PC gaming as much as I do) seems inadequate to handle all these advances.

<sigh> What's guy to do?

I just bought a Nvidia 6800, and seems like it's already outdated, lord help us. Maybe it's time to start looking at a console. Cause games are developed specifically for that hardware setup.

<thinking> But there goes my mouse aiming. God I'm going to miss that, small price to pay though in comparision to having to upgrade my Graphix Card, Memory et all, every year.

Only time will tell...

Video Game Graphix


It's amazing what the current technology yields in terms of Visuals in todays best video games.

I remember playing Gran Prix on a DOS machine eons ago, and I thought that was impressive. Where are we headed now?

With motion capture and Normal Mapping of textures, soon our games will look like real life.

I can't wait the possibilities are limitless.



PC Gaming

Is it just me, or do PC gamers have to wait longer for everything?

Seems like every new game comes out first on consoles, and then a few months later they are ported over to PC.

If we're lucky, they'll rebuild it from the ground up, and the payoff is always great (great graphics, great sound, additional content...all great stuff).

But more often than not, we get a pushover game on our PC. That's terrible.

For example, has anyone played the PC version of Spider-man 2? What a poor game, the old one is way better.

Come on you guys, don't just port your games over, make it great for us.

We pay the same prices, know what I mean?

My Life After Today

Today I became a Gamespot Complete Member.

Let's see what lies ahead...

Nothing but clear skies, FPS mayhem and driving Mania.

Oh Bliss!!