saadshaheed's comments

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Edited By saadshaheed

From the performance Bars above and as pretty as those screenshots look, playing with those settings with that kind of frame rate would not be all all enjoyable. Imagine: Very High Quality - Windows Vista - 15 FPS Hacked Very High Quality - Windows XP - 19 FPS High Quality - Windows Vista - 28 High Quality - Windows XP - 29 No one can play with those frame rates and have fun, and let's face it; how many of us have a GeForce 8800 GTX 768MB? With a powerhose of a card like that, you can acutally play on the Medium Settings, and things get really smooth on Low Quality. I hate to say it guys, but seems like we're gonna be better off with the console version, but boy do I hate losing the precision of Mouse and Keyboard controls. It's a pretty game, no doubt but I would rather it be playable, than just pretty. After all, what good is it having a Super Model for a GF (Yes, I wish) when she's never by your side?

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Edited By saadshaheed

IMHO, the differences are too subtle to notice. But I will say this much, I can't keep up with these PC requirements any more. I mean the games look great, but I can't afford to buy a new video card every 6 months just to be able to play the new games. It bites... So I jumped on the console bandwagon, and got me an Xbox 360. Lost Planet looks great on it.