From the performance Bars above and as pretty as those screenshots look, playing with those settings with that kind of frame rate would not be all all enjoyable. Imagine: Very High Quality - Windows Vista - 15 FPS Hacked Very High Quality - Windows XP - 19 FPS High Quality - Windows Vista - 28 High Quality - Windows XP - 29 No one can play with those frame rates and have fun, and let's face it; how many of us have a GeForce 8800 GTX 768MB? With a powerhose of a card like that, you can acutally play on the Medium Settings, and things get really smooth on Low Quality. I hate to say it guys, but seems like we're gonna be better off with the console version, but boy do I hate losing the precision of Mouse and Keyboard controls. It's a pretty game, no doubt but I would rather it be playable, than just pretty. After all, what good is it having a Super Model for a GF (Yes, I wish) when she's never by your side?
IMHO, the differences are too subtle to notice. But I will say this much, I can't keep up with these PC requirements any more. I mean the games look great, but I can't afford to buy a new video card every 6 months just to be able to play the new games. It bites... So I jumped on the console bandwagon, and got me an Xbox 360. Lost Planet looks great on it.
saadshaheed's comments