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An idle thought from

I was pondering the existance the sport of hockey... really what was the context of the first person (a northerner probally canadian) who decided to attach metal blades/rails to the bottom of their shoes and take off across a frozen lake? I mean really! I grew up in alaska and know what it is like in the winter being socked in by the snow and cold but never would I have though to experiement in such an objectively odd way of entertianing myself... Am I wrong or does it seem really freakin wierd to attach metal to the bottom of your boots and slilde across the ice. The other elements of building a game arround sticks and pucks (balls, rocks whatever) is not so out-there cause really hockey could easily be seen as soccer on ice (with more padding and violence). Then again I suppose other winter sports are like that as well I just never really enjoyed skiing (just seems stupid to launch yourself down a mountian on slick pieces of plastic) though I do remember having fun sledding... but hockey its kind of a trip when you think about it...

just pondering

Violent Video games linked to agressive behavior

On a recent edition of the hotspot podcast several of the pannel refered to the new Violent Video Games health and labeling act by CA rep. Joe Baca specifically calling out the fact that there is no real "causal" relationship between video games and violent or agressive behavior. Well I hate to differ and would not do so if I had not read the study by the Pediatrics Journal (link below to free PDF DL). It remains to be debated if such a "causal" relationship exists between video games and behavior as does between alcohol and birth defects. however, we dont put such subjective warnings on alcohol as George Carlin would put it "drinking to much of this will turn you into the same a-hole your father was." Further, I think the real issuse is not whether or not violence in media can or cannot be linked to agressive behavior. But rather that agressive behavior is an innate human characteristic. Only through education and recognision of the human condition as imperfect, and agressive can we teach our world's youth what the value of exploring these baser aspects of our species and realizing that we are also capable of amazing compassion and kindness. furthermore, media in every historical era from Anchient Greek Trategy, to Shakespearian histories, to modern crime drama or even chess (a very old game rooted in anchient mele combat) has always explored these aspects of humanity.

I believe that we as a society have to ask why do we enjoy such violence and horror? and by doing so realize something more about ourselves. Many video games lack a certian seriousness which is nessissary to put violence into context. Agression, as opposed to violence, though, is so all pervading that everyday I watch the news and hear of some terrible thing happening to innocent people and it does not supprise me but it does piss me off. Violent games are nothing new nor violence and agression. I believe it is not a matter of just sheltering ourselfs from the horrors of humanity just to be even more shocked when the next disaster of violence erupts, but rather to explore these aspects of our being which requires introspection and education. So young kids should not play violent video games until they are at the age when they are well aquainted with the world they live in, and the beings they are, but neither should they watch violence on TV or watch violence in their own home. Violent gamming is not the real issue its how as a society we deal with violence and just slapping a sticker on a game saying that it is linked to agressive behavior is terribly unfair and misses the point completely... this is an issue of education, society, and above all parenting.

thankyou - (cut and paste adress below for free PDF file, or look up Pediatrics Journal and within site search video games and violence) (cut and paste)

sorry if address doesnt work guess Im not as comp savy as I thouht

this article has some good info in it aswell

Philosophy and Games part 1

I've often wondered what the great thinkers of ages past would think of our "modern age." Would they reproach us for all the horror done in the name of progress, or praise our confounding yet undeniably true achievements in science and technology? And it is our techincal achievements are what I would like to explore specifically how games and morality interact.

First lets consider some traditional anchient greek models of society and specifically the idea that your surroundings and associations and everything you do within such a world effects and shapes the being you are. Can such an idea be applied to video games? Well how about a game like GTA where you don the persona of a criminal and do all the crazy and absloutely abhorrant actions that normal society would shunn. IE stealing, murder, conspiracy ect. Could one make the arguement that such a persona could effect the real personality of those who play them? I say yes and no. Yes to the effect that anyone who plays GTA is engaging in socially wrong actions. However, does the simulation of the world in a game like GTA really amount to a realistic vision of the world we live in? No it doesnt it is a simulation much as the Anchient Greeks put on simulations (in the form of tragedy) of equally abhorrant actions. Take the tragedy of Agamemnon an actor would have to don the persona of a father with the terrible decision of sacrificing his daughter for the betterment of his world, and does so. further, the idea arround putting on these plays was to explore these themes of humanity and what it meant to be human and to be faced with such terrible decisions. Any form of entertainment has shocking elements and each personal reaction is a reflexion of that persons humanity. To realize how games, and other forms of entertainment effects us is to beter know thy self and I would argue part of life as an exploration of our shared humanity.

PS any other thoughts and ideas would be awesome to hear

next will be intentionality with in the realm of games