E3 2010 has come and gone. This is my opinion based on what I've watched and read:
1. Microsoft:
A. AAA games:
-Halo Reach: will this be a trilogy?
-GOW3: will this be the end of the series?
-Fable 3: what motion control will it provide?
-COD Black Ops: will this game have any backlash from fans since the main developing team jump shipped to EA
B. My Kinect suggestions to MSoft:
-make it reasonable in price
-bundle it with a killer ap: Dance revolution seems to be that ap
-lower the prices for the Kinect games
-market it more as a fitness or dance peripheral: this is how you can convince the casuals to buy into it
C. New Xbox console:
-Kudos for a quiet console, WiFi N, and lots of storage
-Can you guys get rid of the proprietary HDD already!
2. Sony:
-Fix your PSN store since I and thousands of other users still can't use our credit cards on that system
-Add more PSone games on your store especially Vagrant Story, Xenogears
-Something tells me that the new commercial with the school kid is not the solution to solve the PSP sales
-The 3D games are not for the mass market
-When is the PSP2 coming?
-The Sony Move price point is a good step...for people who do not have a Wii
-Where is the LAST GUARDIAN?!!
3. Wii:
A. Core gamers. Check.
-Kirby, Golden Sun 3, Zelda, Donkey Kong, NBA Jam, Metroid, Epic Mickey
B. Casual gamers. Check
-Wii party, Just Dance 2, Mario Sports Mix
C. New Tech. Check
-3Ds: with Gamecube-like graphics, three type of user controls(touch screen, gamepad, analog)
-massive 3rd Party support
-Metal Gear, Super Street Fighter 4, Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil, blah, blah, blah
-What happened to the Wii vitality sensor?
-Hoping that this device will be reasonable in price as promised by Iwata