Match making!
by sadistic_somber on Comments
I would like to know what the hell "match making" is. I will tell you. It is dumb. Pointless...What ever happened to being able to make your own matches and customizing your lobby the way you want it? I remember a time when I still played PS2 and the wonderful game of Socom...I had control. The players had control...Some noob wants to noob tube in a ranked lobby; "Hey, this guy has an M203 GL on his gun...he needs to be voted out." That doesnt happen any more...why? I wish that the game developers would put that back into games. I hate this match making crap. It is really dumb. I am sure that it boils down to someone complaining because "Jo Blow" has a crappy connection...get the f outta the dont have to be in that lobby...not to mention that a game like Socom even had the servers split up into different parts of the country. I mean like...there was a US East, US Central, US West server...I think that it could even be split up into world regions...but no...someone thinks that match making is a good idea. I dont. I think its stupid. Who ever came up with the software for match making should be dragged out into the street and shot... I mean, it might work for Halo. Everyone wants to do what the "big man" did. The ones responsible for "break through" games like Halo...thats what these other game developers want to be like. They want to be like that guy who made a game worth playing. You dont have to put matchmaking in your online multiplayer just because that guy (who made a great game) did...get creative and stop copying people. MATCH MAKING IS STUPID AND SHOULD BE DONE AWAY WITH! I want to pick what maps and what guns people use in my lobbies. I want to play all the maps for 60 minutes a match. Thats what I want! I want to make a ranked match that does not involve some retarded noob that cant shoot worth **** shooting noob tubes! Why arent game developers thinking more about the gamers and their want or need for customization...yeah, its cool that I can make my guys armor cool colors or make my guns have cool camos...but, screw that. I want to have my own lobby with my custom options... Game developers need to take a step back and look at the good games like Socom and the ability to make a lobby and customize their games the way they think they should be played. If you join that game and dont like the way its set up or you think that the host is too laggy...leave. Its that simple. Throw this match making crap out the window and leave it to games like Halo. Take it out of our semi-realistic war games like the CODs ( I know that they have incorporated it a lot longer) or whatever other great semi-realistic war games there are going to be.
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