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saga_gemini Blog

Welcoming 2008

So 2007 was a good year, many good games came out, and some that werent too. anyway i have playing a couple of cool games and i wanted to talk about them.

First im going to talk about the games that i got before Xmas, remember in my last post i was going to get Guitar hero and medal of honor, well, i couldnt, i only got Super Mario Galaxy, Resident evil: Umbrella Chronicles and Trauma Center: New Blood.

Mario Galaxy.

This game is awesome, is one of the best games out there for the wii. Many people says it´s really easy, but is not, there are some parts that can get pretty tough, also this game is long too, so people cant complain about it i mean, there are 120 stars, and you only need 60 to finish it. Theres also Luigi and another 120 stars, although i havent played with Luigi yet because i wanna finish my other games yet and leave Luigi as my "free time entertaiment". Anyway dont listen to what haters say, this game is fun and beautiful, you dont need a graphic machine to be stunned by art. i higly recommend this game, is a must have for every wii owner.

Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles.

I havent finished this game yet because im bringing all of my attention to Trauma Center: New Blood, but i have played a bit to let you know how are you going to react to this game. Personally i love anything that has to do with Resident Evil, the virus, the twists, the traitors, etc. So i do like playing it. This is game is funner when you play it with a friend, or if someone is watching you play so they can comment and talk about it, there´s a lot of replay value if you want to collect all of the lore of this game. something i disagree with gamespot review is that they say thats almost impossible to hit the weakpoint (like the headshots to zombies) thats a lie, its pretty easy you just need a good pulse. anyway i only recommend this game if you like resident evil or love rail shooters.

Trauma Center: New Blood

THIS IS A PRETTY GOOD GAME. i dont know how to categorize this game i mean, its not platforming, neither adveture... maybe some kind of puzzle game? or a sim, yeah i think its some kind of simulator, anyway this is game is really fun, it has really good VO too, my only complain is the difficulty, this is a really hard game, it can get frustrating some times, i dont know if i suck or its just pretty hard, but man, im having difficulties in EASY MODE, maybe because when i get nervous i loose my pulse i dont know but i believe this is a must get game, at least try it by renting it.

Soulcalibur Legends

I havent played the story mode of this game yet, a friend that doesnt know much about games gave it to me for xmas, i know it has a bad score but the little i played in coop and vs showed me that this game is bad but not THAT bad, so i still have to play it a lil bit more before i give my veredict.

Pokemon Snap (VC)

a friend gave me this for xmas, he used the gift option on the virtual console which i believe its a relly nice addition for the online store. This is one of my favorite N64 games, it brings lots of memories. Anyway i already beat this game, is an easy game, i like it because is relaxing and you can see some of your favorite original 151 pokemons. so i do recommend getting this game, is cute and fun.

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Quest

although i havent played this game much because i just downloaded it to play with a friend, i really like it because is not that hard, i mean is a platformer like Mario but it doesnt have time which is something i like because it adds an exploration factor, anyway i dont fully recommend this game because its mid-3d graphics which at the time it released revolutionized games, thanks to silicom knights, now can make you kinda dizzy, at least to me.

So those were all the games i got for xmas and new years eve, maybe ill be getting others soon, and remeber guys smash brothers is around the corner, so have fun and happy new year to all of you! thanks for reading!

MY HapPY XmAS!!!

Well, one of my aunts is flying to miami really soon, so i have made a list for her of what games she has to buy me with my own money, so here's the list!!:

Of Course!! supposedly the best platformer ever, so how could i let this game pass by, this is a must-buy for me!!.

DUuhhh it has a Link game, besides without this how could i play Umbrella Chronicles in a cool way?

Of course, if i liked house of the dead, and i like resident evil THIS IS DEFINELY A MUST BUY TOO.

I like guitar hero, and i love my wii, so this is my opportunity to actually make my wii a non childish system and rock on it!!


This is another excuse for using the wii zapper, besides is the first cool looking shooter on the wii and it has 36 ppl online deathmatches.

SO, since im spending alot of money and all this wii stuff this means

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

BY THE WAY, even if the ps3 sucks because of its graphics compared to the xbox 360 and because of the price, i dontreallY care, theres metal guear, devil may cry, assasins creed, oblivivion, final fantasy, kane and lynch, ratchet and clank, the darkness, god of war, blah blah and lots of other stuff that the xbox doesnt have or sucks at it, example FREE ONLINE PLAY!.

Zelda PH and Super Paper Mario

It has been a long time since i last posted, it is because i have been very busy with international baccalaurate stuff but now im back, and now im doing the Zelda Ph review and Super Paper Mario, i hope you like my reviews because u think you should check em out.

New Logo

Im almost done with zelda and super paper mario, recently i have had too many homeworks and thats why i havent finished them yet, by the way check out my new logo banner for my site, i hope its cool, comment it!!

Super Paper Mario

So besides playing phantom hourglass a friend of mine lended me his super paper mario for the wii, and thats a great excuse to not play zelda and make it last longer. so besides my review of zelda my review of paper mario is coming soon too.

I got ZeldA!!!

Well my mom came back from the states today and she DID bring me Zelda phantom hourglass, i have been playing for about an hour, and its so cool, and the coolest thing is that even when the only thing you use to move attack and stuff is the touch screen its still fun and nice!!! you would ask, why arent you playing right now? is because im charging my DS and i dont like playing wired up to a wall, lol.

so the only bad thing is that my mom didnt bring me Dance Dance revolution hottest party, bububu. and another bad news for me is that smash brawl got delayed, but hey sonic is there thats awesome!

Coming soon

My mom right now is in the US visiting my uncle, hopefully if she is good enough she'll bring me the new game i asked for:

The legend of Zelda: Phantom hourglass- so heads up, if i get it ill be giving my revies ASAP

Metroid Prime 3 Multiplayer

Well i bought metroid prime 3 weeks ago and i have finished it yet, because some school projects i have been doing. but after playing it for a while i thought that if retrostudios added wifi gameplay similar to metroid prime hunters, maybe it could have gotten a 9 as an average score. maybe with random deathmatch or team deathmatch. i talked about this with a friend that owns a 360 and halo 3 and he told me "well metroid prime cant actually be a competitive multiplayer shooter, just look at it, you have to point all the way to the side just to turn around". i thought about it, and i said to him "well, metroid CAN be competitive, since its playing inside its own gameplay stile. you have to know when to morph and when to do a screw attack to scape or turn around" and that shut him up, lol. So i dont know, but here's a question for all of you guys, if retrostudios launches some kind of "metroid prime hunters revolution" game with wifi matches, would you buy it?.... i definitely would.