Im waiting for Apple to finally make the Igame xD.
sagax04's forum posts
I got two predictions of my own. Naturally when THE Wiifan001 has predictions, it comes true. 1) Epic Mickey will be a good game 2) This topic will be locked, and I will laugh as a result.wiifan001
Well aren't you the smart one?
I play Brawl when I get bored of Melee.LiftedHeadshot
And that is.......
Nothing, as I just beat Twlight princess again. I am friggin hyped for skyward sword. So I'm playing nothing ATM. SOmetimes when my friends come over I pop in Brawl, thats bout it.....
have you ever watched the old mickey mouse? It was epic. My dad had the tapes of them.
In the same sense, Epic Mickey looks like a good game, though Its not on my After E3 wishiist at all.
Or Am I the only one xD.
Despite some reviews I really enjoyed Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Why in the heck can't they takes those and make them better? Is it THAT hard? I can't believe how badly they messed up the one on PS3 and 360 (Sonic the Hedgehog).
SEGA was pretty gunshy after that. They are delaying Sonic 4 like crazy. Lets hope Colors is good.
since May 2007, and it couldn't play wii or gamecube games for a month cuz a one of my cousin who is 4 washed my Legend TOP of zelda game and out it right in the wii. Bam it got broken. When I got it fixed I think the people who repaired stole the Zelda TP game that was inside so I had to buy a new one.
and why would i want o give my location away?
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