The Donald Trump listed IS the same one on TV, correct? Cause I know where my vote's going.
Sakaki_Shizuma's forum posts
PSN: Sakaki_Shizuma (Yes i'm terribly lazy when it comes to IDs, but I freaking love this name)
Systems: PS3 (Used to have a vita but it died)
Kinda weird to explain what time i'm usually on:
Right now I don't have access to the internet, but my family is moving in the next month or so so I should start being on around 12pm EST - 12am EST
Hey hey hey. Got a game I havent been able to recall.
Only things I know is there are 3 playable characters, 2 male 1 female, and it was on the PS2. I think their souls were linked together(?) and shared one big HP bar.
I think playing on easy is prefectly fine. Recently in Graces F I had to switch to easy for a few boss battles (Namely Kurt)
Pretty tough one for me, since I own both of them. I gotta go with Minecraft though because I usually look at sandbox-building games as a means to relax, and Terraria is NOT a relaxing game. Night 1 when I first played it...*shiver*
I don't give a damn about what any majority thinks, to me it was a breath of fresh air. The gambit system to me was kind of like making adjustments to an engine, and once you got it humming properly, it purred like a kitten. Finding the right combination in the right order for a particular enemy felt quite rewarding to me personally.
I agree with you about the Westernization part, and FFXII felt like it did go out of the way to feel more like that than any previous FF main entry, but it was still a very enjoyable game imo. The open world adventure elements were fantastic. You could run in to a very over-powered enemy and get your clocks cleaned if you weren't careful.
I also enjoyed the musical score a lot in this game. The story wasn't terrible, but the pacing of it was bad and suffered due to the open world and lengthy times in-between the progress of it.
I'd love a remaster.
It was new and exciting for me too when I gave it a try on the PS2. It helped me understand the (quite similar) tactics in the Dragon Age games nearly 8 years later.
Result: Epic Game Master
Oh heck yeah. Even though I didn't know anything about the Halo 5 cameo voice, lucky guess?
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