Its the 1st day of the 5th month of 2006. Boy.. that went by fast, its hard to believe only 7 more months to go.
In the past 4 days, I've been busy submitting,editing, and posting. I've also went to church yesterday and my parents want to put me in cathecism (sp)?. It starts in Sept and ends in April. I don't wanna do it,b/c not only do I not like church but i don't see the point.
Going to chruch is supposed to make you a better person, I can just by a bible and read it and wouldn;t that be the same?? The way I see life is eveything happens for a reason. Its as simple as that. I dont need to hear some preist shouting what he thinks is best. And another thing about the priest, I can't understand him sometimes and he always brings immigration up(I am catholic and go to a mainly hispanic church).
Church isn't a place to talk politics. or is it??? I told my parents I was Atheist just to piss them off. I shouldn't be forced into a religon if I don't want to do it, am i right? or wrong?
Well Hope you guys started the month off on a good note.