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Uncharted 2!

Just picked it up!!!!!

Cannot wait to play it!

I played the multiplayer demo and it kicks major ass!!!!!!

Look for my score and review SOOON!

My first review!

Hey! It's my first review. If you want to know it's on Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for the PS3 so if you're interested go check it out! o.k. i know this is a pretty short blog but just go check out my review and i'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed!



Alright, i'm gonna keep this blog nice and short.


When i first got the urge to get this game was when i was going through igns 25 best dreamcast. now i have a dreamcast and i could have paid 20 bucks to order it on ebay for the dreamcast with the keyboard but i was strapped for cash and to eager to play it. SO i found it off a downloading site for $5--and u know what happens next.

But the point is is that not only is this the greatest learn how to type game i've ever played, it is SO MUCH FUN! blasting through countless zombies, finding alternate routes, getting awesome bonus items such as bobble head characters! playing as a ZOMBIE! everything about it is so hilariously awesome. even the voice acting! it's so bad its good. in a funny way that is. think snakes on a plane. but anyhow! this game rules and if you cant find it from a retailer online i suggest you try getting it by other means. maybe even for the dreamcast !!


Kingdom Hearts 358/2

I've been playing through the kingdom hearts games again (i first played chain of memories on the gba and an now playing kh2) and i've come to the realization that these games are not great...these games are revolutionary! not only does it use an astounding setting by combining the worlds of square enix, and disney, but also creating an entire new universe that is able to fit so well with the with the two different worlds. moving on, the story, is so good, i mean of course it's confusing to the person that has never played a kh game in his or her life but if you truly sit down to understand and learn from the game, it only adds to the experience. i still get thrills from playing kingdom hearts, my heart is always rooting for these characters and their goodness shines like the light they so speak of in the game. But what makes these games so remarkable is how they also portray a lot of dark material such as greed and hate. These moments where u truly see the passion emanating from the characters whether they be good or evil adds just that much more to the series. Sora: your average happy go lucky hero yet always bothered by the decisions made by his friend and always striving to better himself and never doubt. Riku: hsis descent into the deepest darkness and his redemption. and the list goes on and on. Also the different disney worlds visited in the game and their different story lines touch that one area in your heart that just brings back so many memories from your childhood.

Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite games of all time. The gameplay is pretty straightforward but the customization options and the number of combos that u unlock as the story progresses only add to the amazing game. Some may say that the game is a little on the button mashing side but i say that i wouldn't play kh any other way. That's probably why i was so peeved when i was playing chain of memories. i first thought that it was a great take on the kh games but then when u were just using 9s to attack and 0s to block,,, it just kinda lost its luster. however the story was still there and that for me is one of the major points of the game that only makes me believe even stronger in the success of the series. OH and the graphics! look we are talking about ps2 titles here alright. and for the ps2 these games kicked ass in the visual department. not only are the disney character perfectly represented, the new characters look amazing, and the cg is more than beautiful. but make sure to play this on a good big tv with some composite cables if u want to play it the best way. because in kh2 i regret not having a cleaner picture through my cheap tv.

finally the sound! omg whenever i hear the kingdom hearts start prelude my heart races. it is so beautiful, the notes hitting the perfect pitches and chords. that song is so perfect listen to that song and you will understand what kingdom hearts is all about. so, i decided to write this blog to not only share my opinion on kingdom hearts but also increase hype for the new one coming out at the end of september. when i first played kh2 i disliked roxas intensely. i thought that square was pulling a hideo kojima like when he made you play as raiden in mgs2. but playing through kh2 a second time has let me reanalyze my view of roxas, who acts as sora's other half. roxas is a very good and deep character and i'm glad that i'll be able to learn more about him in this upcoming game. to those of you who read this and have no idea what kingdom hearts is i highly suggest you pick up all the titles. its that good. also i'm hoping that 358/2 will be amazing cause i truly need a good ds game, ( im back to playing pk:diamond :-(

*please comment and express your views on the kingdom hearts series. i really want to know what other people think* *and yes i know that this has probably been done before but please why not just amuse me?*