It has the look of FF tactis..exellent...i want this to be a DS game =)
salnadia's forum posts
my gf plays a lot...she likes harvest moon and pikmin =)
We are getting a lot of new chapters in loved series
AC2, GOD3, Bioshock 2, MW 2 and more
but whats new?....I see Alan Wake, Darksiders, Demon's Souls
Maybe devs dont want to take a risk trying to fit a new IP in the market and make a confirmed profit in sequels
Dont you think that this will limit the new IP to enter the console war?
I dont know what can you get from this...but if you wait for the big thunders, you can see
"P" "R" "e" "S" "E" "3"
what can you get from this,guys?
scientific evidence to prove sales??? LOL
Let me go to my lab to check how many PS3 have been sold...then I will come back with scientific old are you? 10?
I bought a PS3 one month ago and got KZ2, GTAIV and RE5...and Im already have the money for MGS4, LBP and posibly Bioshock or Dead Space
But i realized that most of the are trying to find other good games that for different genres....something like Fable but in the PS3
Any ideas?
I dont know you guys but i really want to play as a Hellgasth soldier =)
Maybe playing as a Hellgasth before the event of KZ2...when you are kicking ISA soldiers
Or the answer of the Hellgasth to the Vekta ofensive force
What do you think?
Thanks a lot, that will work =)
How can I upgrade my PS3 HD, the original is 80GB but i think i will need more =)...a lot of games
Where and how can I upgrade the HD myself?, I have read about some people using a 500GB HD....that could be useful for me
Is this demo only for NA???, i live in Mexico, but i dont see the deme anywhere inPSN store
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