Well hello there my people of the internet, after the major announcements at E3 2010, I started to think about what did I really wanted to see at E3, so then I thought why not make a list on it, cause to be honest there was alot more I wanted to see from everyone. This is my list on the 5 announcements I want at the next E3, now I may have a few games or suggestions you think is out of the question or stupid, but don't be a hater or leave rude comments cause if you do, it's quite possible your a total douche muffin. If one of my requests was in E3 and I missed it then don't go on about it and just point it out, Thanks. Well here ya go!
Mirror's Edge 2 updates
I love mirror's edge, I love it's story, it's gameplay, it's graphics and it's originality. Sooo... wheres the sequel? I've heard rumors that EA is considering it, and some even say it's in devlopment, but I heard nothing on it at E3 and I am really dying to see the new game. If would hurry up and make the game I bet they would be making a whole lot of money. Some may say mirror's edge was to hard, I say it was to awesome :)
A NEW Ratchet and clank game
Not since October last year has Ratchet and clank been on a new adventure, and to be honest i'm a little glad, I think they have been slowly getting worse each game since size matters. Some of you may disagree but I think there is still a chance for them to come up with one more outstanding game like they did 6 years ago with ratchet and clank 3 and I did think a crack in time was a good game, only if they could make them better like they did with that one.
A NEW crash bandicoot game
Crash Bandicoot is probably one of top 5 favourite series of all time, I own all of the original PS1 games and Twinsanity and Nitro kart for the PS2, but do you know why I don't own any of the new ones? cause for starters they changed all of the apperances of the characters and they made Cortex's head round, ROUND! The new games don't keep the original gameplay and the awesome levels and they replaced the warp rooms with just levels and lame free-roaming. So may be asking yourself "why does he want another one then?" well thats a good question that can be answered like this, I think that Crash Bandicoot is not entierly dead yet, There is a 2 out of 10 chance that they will make a new good game and that it will be like the originals, so I want to take that bet and see if they will come to there sense's.
PS2 games for purchase on the playstation store
Well this one is pretty self explanatory.
Beat up Jack Thompson game
Douche muffin... that would be the best game ever, why? because everyone, I repeat EVERYONE, hate jack thompson if your only concern in the world is video games, then there is seriously something wrong with you
Thats my list, stay tuned :)