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GRS #1: Mirrors Edge

It's time to make a comeback, well I did say I was going to make a Top 15 fighting games but I think that can wait till I have enough time, I thought I would just do something now till I get enough time to work on my top 15. GRS stands for 'Game Revisit Series' where I review a game from 2008 down, well time to start.


The gameplay in Mirrors Edge is definitely unique, it plays like no other FPS, the whole idea is to find things out then get out. Your not meant to focus on combat since you're opponents are always armed and the only way to get a yourself is to take from enemy, but when you do have a gun don't waste since you often only have a few bullets left, hand to hand combat sucks by the way because when there is one opponent there is about 12 following him. Mirrors Edge is one of the most fun experience's i've had playing games, there are many questions to be answered and it's worth finding them out, there are nine chapters, each one unique in its own way and there are certainly bits where you want to just throw the controller away in rage, but if you preserver it will be worth it when you finally see what happens at the end.

Gameplay- 9/10


The story behind mirrors edge is also one to be remembered, I won't explain the whole story because you'll be reading all night and I don;t want ruin it all for the people who are thinking about purchasing it, but it paints a picture in you're mind and really makes you want to know what's gonna happen next, there are 1 or 2 plot twists and it really starts to get heated near the end.

Story- 8/10


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The Graphics are stunning for 2008, it blew me away when I first jumped into gameplay, it had something that most games miss these days and thats colour, the detail in the characters didn't really move me apart from faiths, but everything else is a step forward for EA, there is one rule we learned from Mirrors Edge and thats look for the red objects.

Graphics- 9/10


This is the closets picture I could find to music on mirrors edge, anyway the music on Mirrors Edge is nothing really soothing to the ears but it isn't exactly bad if you enjoy deep repudiative music, but I do like the theme song 'still alive' and the music on chapter 9.

Music- 5.0/10

Overall it's a good game and it is a very good addition to you're collection of FPS games, even though you're not meant to shoot.

Overall- 8.5/10